Laser Labiaplasty – New York City Cosmetics

Many patients are interested in enhancing the appearance of their vagina. Each patient has their own reason, whether it may be cosmetic or an issue of discomfort. For those who are interested in enhancing the appearance of their vagina and more specifically their labia, there is laser labiaplasty.
Due to the delicate and personal nature of a laser labiaplasty, it is of utmost importance to consult with a board-certified professional. Amongst reasons patients may consider a laser labiaplasty are elongated labial lips that can cause discomfort during physical activity. Other patients may be concerned about the aesthetic imbalance of their labia.
To learn more about the results you can achieve with the laser labiaplasty, speak with Dr. Robert Jason.
Contact our office in New York City to schedule your personal consultation.