Love is a Verb
Many women walk through our doors not only looking to fix their bodies, but also to find love or rekindle love they once had. Historically, women have longed for the moment that men tell them, “I love you.” However, the sophisticated woman knows that I love you is nothing more than an empty promise if the actions don’t say it constantly.
As great communicators, women can often successfully communicate their needs to their partners. Whether it’s as simple asking for their man to take the garbage out, or more complicated, like asking him to give less attention to other women, the ladies can often articulate what they want and need. When these requests are ignored, even if the three magic words have been said, it doesn’t feel like love at all. When our needs are met and we feel heard, that feels like love. The loving actions that show us rather than tell us, making us feel respected and cared for, those actions mean love more than any words could ever convey.
Some men can never get the words out, but demonstrate those three little words of love with so many things they do. Surprising their wife with flowers on a Friday night, buying tickets to someone’s favorite show, or even unexpectedly cleaning the kitchen. When your man is praising your intellect, skills set, parenting, and patting you on the back, making you feel appreciated, and if you’re lucky, even feel adored…
That’s love.
It’s lovely to hear, “I love you,” but it’s even better to feel loved.