Blog of The Center for Sexual Medicine & Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation of New York

Urinary Incontinence – What’s new??

First, we have to mention the latest problems regarding Vaginal Mesh. I am not surprised that the FDA pulled Vaginal Mesh off the market. Though I am trained to do the procedures, I never used a vaginal mesh in my private practice. I used safer and equally efficacious surgeries and procedures where the benefits far […]

Fat Transfer Labiaplasty Augmentation New York

Some women seek to enhance their Labia Majora (outer lips) in order to improve the shape, contour, size, proportions or firmness of the labia majora. We offer labiaplasty augmentation via Autologous Fat Transfer, or AFT. “Autologuos” means that we use the patient’s own fat to achieve the enhancement. Ideal candidates of Fat Transfer Labiaplasty Augmentation […]

G-Spot New York

The G-Spot Amplification was invented to help amplify the woman’s Grafenberg Spot, more commonly referred to as the “G-Spot.” The G-Spot can be a notoriously tricky thing for many people to find and so the G-Shot serves a dual purpose: 1. Make it easier to locate and 2. Help enhance the woman’s maximum pleasure. This […]

Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora

Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora is the second most common female genital plastic surgery procedure. Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minor (or LRL for short) has helped many women improve the appearance of their vagina by reducing excessively large or protruding labia minor (the inner lips). This procedure can create a naturally […]

ThermiVa New York

Using a non-surgical temperature controlled radio frequency system to rejuvenate the body sounds like science fiction, but with ThermiVa the future is now. Women who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth are often left with vaginal muscles that are excessively relaxed which can cause a reduction in satisfaction and sensation in sexual intercourse. The excess […]

Vaginal Relaxation Treatment

Vaginal Relaxation Treatment is performed when a woman is suffering from vaginal relaxation and stress urinary incontinence, which often makes it difficult for a woman to control her urine when walking or coughing. There are a number of factors that can contribute to a woman experiencing vaginal relaxation from childbirth to aging—it’s something many women […]

G-Spot Testimonials New York

The G-Spot Amplification is a a cutting-edge, patent pending procedure designed to enhance the woman’s G-Spot, both in size and function, through the use of specialized collagen. The G-Spot Amplification was invented and developed by the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute to enhance a woman’s sexual experience. The G-Shot Amplification procedure enhances the size of a […]

Wonder Woman Mommy Makeover New York

The Wonder Woman, or Mommy Makeover, procedure has helped many women achieve the body rejuvenation they desired. The effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing take their toll on the body and for many women these effects can negatively impact self-confidence. Through the Wonder Woman Makeover we can rejuvenate the vagina, lift and enhance the breasts, […]

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation New York

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is a popular female genital plastic surgery procedure that is performed to enhance a woman’s sexual experience. The procedure itself takes between one and three hours in an outpatient setting and uses the advanced meticulous laser technology to create the best possible cosmetic results the least amount of bleeding and fastest recovery […]

G-Spot Amplification New York

The G-Spot Amplification is a a revolutionary, patent pending method of amplifying the woman’s G-Spot through the use of specialized collagen. This treatment was invented and developed by the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute to enhance a woman’s sexual experience. The THE G-SHOT® enhances the size of a woman’s G-Spot making it easier to locate and […]