Blog of The Center for Sexual Medicine & Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation of New York

Vaginal Relaxation Treatment

Vaginal Relaxation Treatment has helped many women enjoy their lives with more comfort and confidence. Literally millions of women in the United States suffer from vaginal relaxation and stress urinary incontinence that can make it difficult to control their urine when walking or coughing. Childbirth, aging and sagging may all contribute to this pelvic relaxation. […]

Vaginoplasty New York – Designer Laser Labiaplasty

Vaginoplasty is a cosmetic procedure performed to improve the appearance or rejuvenate the appearance of the vagina. The Designer Laser Labiaplasty is an advanced and sophisticated technique that is used to help achieve those aesthetic goals in a sensitive area of the body. The Designer Laser Labiaplasty procedure can be performed to improve the appearance […]

Designer Laser Vaginoplasty New York

The aesthetic surgical enhancement of the labia minora, labia majora, vulvar, mons pubis, perineum, and introitus is becoming more and more popular. Succinctly called Designer Laser Vaginoplasty (or DLV for short), this procedure is being performed in 42 states and 19 countries to help women make aesthetic (and functional) improvements to the vaginal area. There […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation New York

Vaginal Rejuvenation is a popular and increasingly more common procedure performed with lasers to rejuvenate the appearance of the vagina. Many women seek out the procedure not only to improve the aesthetic values of the vagina but to improve sexual experience and enhance sexual gratification. By improving the architectural integrity of the vagina, Dr. Jason […]

Laser Labiaplasty – New York City Cosmetics

Laser Labiaplasty

Many patients are interested in enhancing the appearance of their vagina. Each patient has their own reason, whether it may be cosmetic or an issue of discomfort. For those who are interested in enhancing the appearance of their vagina and more specifically their labia, there is laser labiaplasty. Due to the delicate and personal nature […]

Mommy Makeover – Plastic Surgery – New York

Mommy Makeover

The Mommy Makeover, also known as the Wonder Woman Makeover, is a customized set of cosmetic procedures for women who are aiming to regain their former bodies. Whether they’ve experienced unwanted changes due to pregnancy or aging, the Mommy Makeover can help mothers achieve their aesthetic goals. The Mommy Makeover is a tailored package of […]

Designer Laser Labiaplasty – New York Vaginoplasty

Designer Laser Labiaplasty

If you are interested in enhancing the aesthetics of your vagina, then you may a candidate for a designer laser labiaplasty. This advanced procedure is a sophisticated technique that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and desires. Designer laser labiaplasty is a procedure that can enhance the appearance of the vulvar structures, labia minora, […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation – Laser Procedures New York

Vaginal Rejuvenation

One of the most popular female genital plastic surgery procedures is laser vaginal rejuvenation, or LVR. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure that aims to enhance the patient’s sexual experience. The procedure was evolved from a treatment for urinary incontinence. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a procedure that enhances the vagina’s optimal physiological state. The […]

Reduction Labioplasty – Laser Vaginoplasty – New York

Reduction Labioplasty

For many women, the appearance of their vagina isn’t up to their standards. Whatever the reason may be, there are treatment options, such as reduction labioplasty. Reduction labioplasty can help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. For many patients, there is a desire to reduce the inner lips of the labia minora. Typically, patients do not […]

Vaginoplasty – New York Laser Procedures


Aging, pregnancy and injury can take a toll on the appearance of the vagina. Many women report that they do not want the small inner lips to be visible beyond their larger outer lips. With designer laser vaginoplasty, you can rejuvenate the appearance of the vagina. Designer laser vaginoplasty is a procedure that can enhance […]