Vampire Facelift®

Conveniently located to serve New York

Have you been dreaming of a non-surgical solution that can turn back the hands of time and
reveal a more youthful version of yourself? Look no further than our exclusive Vampire Facelift®
in New York—a revolutionary cosmetic genital procedure designed to enhance your natural
beauty using cutting-edge techniques.

What is the Vampire Facelift®?

The Vampire Facelift® is a revolutionary non-surgical procedure that utilizes your body’s own
platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate and enhance your facial features. This natural
approach harnesses the healing power of your own blood to stimulate collagen and elastin
production, resulting in firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

Vampire Facelift® Benefits

  • Natural rejuvenation
    Experience a more youthful appearance with a natural boost from your body’s own
  • Long-lasting results
    The Vampire Facelift® provides enduring results, contributing to sustained skin
    rejuvenation over time.


P-Shot® for MEN: $1,900
*Repeat, if needed $1,200 (repeat if needed at 12 weeks)
*Procedure time: 40 minutes
*Includes one penis pump (Dr. Joel Kaplan) $149 retail value
*Recommended annually

O-Shot® for WOMEN: $1,500
*Repeat, if needed $1,000 (repeat if needed at 12 weeks)
*Procedure time: 40 minutes
*Recommended annually

Vampire Hair Regrowth®: $800 – $1,900
*Procedure time: 40 minutes
*Two treatments within 3 months: $1,600 – $3,300
*Three treatments within 6 months:: $2,400 – $4,500
*Four treatments within 9 months: $3,200 – $5,500
*Annual maintenance recommended: $800 – $1,900

Vampire Facelift®: $1,750
*Procedure time: 45 minutes
*Recommended annually

Vampire Facelift® with additional syringe of dermal filler: $2,250
*Recommended for some patients with deep facial lines

Vampire Breast Lift®: $1,800
*Procedure time: 40 minutes
*Recommended annually

Vampire Wing Lift®: $2,200 (Double dose – $3000)
*Procedure time: 30 – 40 minutes
*Includes PRP with 1 vial of filler

Husband P-Shot® & Wife O-Shot® same day: $3,150
*Procedure time: 1 hour
*Includes one penis pump (Dr. Joel Kaplan) $149 retail value

Vampire® Trifecta for WOMEN: $4,650 (includes Vampire Facelift®, Vampire Breast Lift®, O-Shot®)
*Procedure time: 1.5 hour
*Post procedure products included

Vampire® Trifecta for MEN: $5,000 (includes Vampire Facelift®, Vampire Hair Regrowth®, Priapus-Shot®)
*Procedure time: 1.5 hour
*Includes penis pump (Dr. Joel Kaplan) $149 retail value

Vampire® Trifecta for Husband & Wife (combined): $9,300
*Procedure time: 2 hours

Supporting Research for PRP


FAQs about Vampire Facelift® in New York

  1. What is the cost of a Vampire Facelift®?
    The standard prices are listed above, but cost can vary based on individual needs. Schedule a
    consultation to receive a personalized quote for your Vampire Facelift® New York cost.
  2. How long does the procedure take?
    The Vampire Facelift® typically takes about 40 minutes, making it a convenient lunchtime
  3. Are there any side effects?
    Minimal side effects such as mild swelling or redness may occur, but they usually subside within
    a day or two.
  4. When will I see the results?
    Some patients notice partial improvements immediately. There is continued improvement over
    the following 3 weeks to 3 months.
  5. How many sessions are recommended?
    While a single session can yield impressive results, multiple sessions of Vampire procedures
    may be recommended for optimal outcomes.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re intrigued by the idea of rejuvenating your appearance without surgery, the Vampire
Facelift® in New York may be the perfect solution. Contact us today to schedule your
consultation and embark on the journey to a more youthful and radiant you.