ThermiVa® Vaginal Rejuvenation in New York


What is ThermiVa? Reclaim. Restore. Revive.

ThermiVa is a non-surgical and non-invasive in-office procedure used for tightening of the vulva (external vagina), perineum, and internal vaginal cavity. ThermiVa non-surgical vaginal strengthening in New York offers rejuvenation and a host of other benefits.

Excessive relaxation of the vaginal muscles is a common occurrence after vaginal birth or due to aging, obesity, chronic constipation, and a variety of activities that are physically straining to the vagina. Damage can diminish sensation during intercourse, reducing sexual satisfaction, thus changing the relationship between partners.

Laxity of the skin is caused by numerous factors, and no area including muscle, fat, collagen and circulation is immune to this natural decline.



The pre and post Ultrasound pictures of the dilated and Rejuvenated Urethral Muscular Tube demonstrates the effectiveness of ThermiVa in the treatment of Urinary Stress Incontinence (USI) by the resultant urethral tightening and closure.

ThermiAesthetics has developed an “S”-shaped radio frequency probe linked to a generator that helps tighten external and internal vulvovaginal tissue and muscle via the thermistor tip, which is located at the end of the radio frequency generator handpiece. The tip is designed for optimal comfort.

There is no need for anesthetics, drugs, pain relievers or downtime. The patients experience a comfortable warm sensation and no pain. Additionally, since there is no downtime, women can engage in sexual activity the same day.

The procedure takes approximately 10-30 minutes depending on the area of the vagina that needs to be tightened. The recommended course is 1 to 3 treatments one month apart. Three treatments are recommended for optimal results.

How it works: ThermiVa contracts the vaginal tissues to a tighter bundle. It also enhances collagen production, blood flow and may help in tissue and nerve healing; a process known as Thermal Neurogenesis. Radiofrequency’s therapeutic effects on muscular and tissue healing are well known and have been used in physical therapy and medical practices for decades.

Treatment Focuses:

  1. Vaginal Laxity: ThermiVa tightens specific areas of the vagina making a visible improvement. It tightens the internal and external compartments of the vagina.
  2. Vulvar/Labial Laxity: This tightens the labial majora tissue and perineum and reduces dropping skin known as “camel toe.” The skin becomes smoother and softer in appearance. This results in comfort and confidence when wearing tight fitting clothing.
  3. Vaginal/Vulvar Dryness or Atrophic Vaginitis: Daily living and sexual experiences become more comfortable as a result of the softer and stronger skin. It helps the inner and outer vagina become moister naturally so sex and coitus become more comfortable without the need for hormones – most specifically, estrogen and progesterone.
  4. Mild to Moderate Stress Incontinence: ThermiVa’s ability to tighten various vaginal areas reduces urinary accidents and leakage. This revolutionary process with Kegel exercises allows for the avoidance of the need to use a mesh, slings, vaginal tape or vaginal reconstructive surgery. It can also help Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Urge Incontinence. It is essentially a Non-Invasive Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure.
  5. Sexual or Orgasmic Dysfunction: As a result of Genital Tissue becoming more sensitive, increasing blood flow by the theory of Thermal Neurogenesis, muscle contractions become stronger. Women may be able to reach orgasm more quickly, more intensely and it increases the ability to become multi-orgasmic.

Are you a candidate for ThermiVa Procedure?

If you experience the following the answer is YES:

  • Feeling loose and having the experience of vaginal laxity
  • Have displeasure in the aesthetics of your outer vagina both in terms of gapping and atrophy (loss of muscle and fat). This can cause discomfort and feeling insecure in bathing suits, tight jeans, yoga pants, naked alone or with your partner or when leaving the lights on during relations, etc.
  • Problems in experiencing an orgasm or being dissatisfied sexually secondary to lack of friction or blunted sexual experiences secondary to age or diminished hormones or desire
  • Pelvic prolapse, such as a fallen bladder or rectum, or experiencing difficulty keeping a tampon in.
  • Urinary incontinence, leakage, or accidents.
  • Vaginal dryness, due to reasons such as menopause, or low estrogen production in some patients or in premature menopause.

Turn Up The Heat

Applying heat to tissue has become the standard for promoting collagen remodeling, which helps strengthen the structural support columns and improves the integrity of the skin.

ThermiVa is the first and only temperature-controlled radio frequency system used for non-surgical dermatological application in aesthetics and other medical specialties. Physicians using ThermiVa are pleased to have an in-office procedure, and patients report excitement about a new treatment option for women who want results without surgery.

ThermiVa was developed by Thermi, a women’s wellness company, and Red Alinsod, MD, a renowned urogynecologist whose mission is to help women reclaim, restore, and revive their sexuality.

What are the benefits of ThermiVa?

  • Procedure is performed in the office in 10 to 30 minutes, a true “lunchtime” procedure
  • The procedure is fast, non-invasive, and requires no anesthetics, medication, numbing creams or downtime. There is no recovery or delay in sexual activity.
  • Procedure is non-surgical, non-ablative
  • No lasers, hence no discharge, odor or discomfort
  • Safe and FDA approved
  • Single use handpiece (no infection or transmission risk)
  • Procedure produces comfortable warm feeling and little to no pain. Temperature controlled handpiece and module to insure patient’s comfort. Handpiece is thin and designed with natural vaginal curve for gentle sensation.
  • Can be performed 6 to 8 weeks after delivery and between pregnancies.
  • No need for preparation
  • Helps form new collagen and increase vascular blood flow and with Thermal Neurogenesis it—
  • Tightens vaginal tissue and skin, resulting in:
    • Softer and smoother skin
    • Increased sexual satisfaction and orgasmic function both in clitoral and G-Spot erogenous zones
    • Increased moisture and comfort especially in dry or atrophic vaginal and vulvar regions. Reduces labial irritation (atrophic vulvovaginitis) before, during and after sex
  • Reduces urinary bladder leakage
    • Urgency Symptoms
    • Activity or Urinary Stress Incontinence symptoms
    • Improves vaginal musculature tone and strength
  • Treatment lasts approximately 1 year
  • Maintenance treatments individualized. Recommended in 6 to 12 months
  • It is a very affordable procedure

ThermiVa Risks

  • Occasional uncomfortable heat
  • Theoretical Blisters and Burns (None seen to date)
  • Too tight vaginal opening and canal (5-8%)
  • No effects (less than 5%)

How much does ThermiVa cost?

The price of ThermiVa will depend on a number of factors. The types of issues being corrected and the areas being treated both play a role in determining ThermiVa cost.

About ThermiAesthetics

The ThermiAesthetics flagship product is the ThermiRadioFrequency Temperature Controlled Radio Frequency Generator System, which is FDA cleared for dermatological and general surgical procedures for electrocoagulation, hemostasis, and to create lesions in the nervous tissue.

ThermiRadioFrequency is an advanced technology that uses finely controlled thermal energy. The product is safe and clinically effective for the patient, while also providing versatile solutions for physicians in the field of aesthetics.

The ThermiRadioFrequency features a unique temperature control feature that uses a proprietary handpiece designed for specific medical applications.

About ThermiGyn

ThermiGyn is a wholly owned subsidiary of ThermiHealth, a leading developer of thermistor-regulated energy systems used medical and aesthetic applications.

ThermiGyn and ThermiVa believe in worldwide women’s wellness through accessibility of its products and services. ThermiGyn products are based on the science of concentrated heat, using SmartTip technology to enable physicians to use temperature as an endpoint. Dr. Jason is a member of the Clinical Advisory Council for ThermiVa.

Take Back Control

It’s not ideal to have that out-of-control feeling about your own body, especially when it affects the most intimate part of your life. Relationships can be challenging under the best of circumstances; you don’t need your mind and body fighting each other!

To find out more about ThermiVa non-surgical vaginal strengthening in New York and what it can do for you, contact the office of experienced medical professional Dr. Robert Jason. Schedule your consultation today!


“After having the ThermiVa procedure I was able to sleep through the entire night without waking up to use the bathroom for the first time in a very long time.” – 10/23/15 H.B. age 76


“I forgot to email you after my first ThermiVa procedure but I think it worked really, really well and I’m so happy with the results! And thank you again so much for fitting me in the first time with the procedure, the results really exceeded my expectations and I’m so grateful.” – 8/13/15 J.H. age 20


“Since my treatment I have seen tremendous improvement. I feel a lot more sensation, much tighter and more moisture. I am happy with the treatment” – 10/13/15 N.R. age 36


“ThermiVa Experience…… Dr. Jason and his professional helper were incredibly professional and helpful. They both put me at ease, and the process was painless and actually mildly pleasant.” – 9/24/15 L.J. age 32


“Better urine control. Looks nice on the outside, vaginal area, and more confidence during sex. Love it so far!!!” – 9/24/15 Y.M. age 52


“My Labia Majora are more plumped up. I had the most intense orgasm after intercourse with only fingers, no penetration” – 10/16/15 T.S. age 47


“Urinates less frequently and empties completely” – 10/13/15 A.B. age 39


Click here to read more.

ThermiVa Videos

New Procedure Promises Vaginal Rejuvenation Without Surgery on The Doctors



ThermiVa Before and After Photo Gallery (Click on photo to view full gallery)


This Kardashian-approved vaginal laser is “life-changing”

Here’s everything you need to know about it.

There’s vajazzling, full-blow vagina rejuvenation and then somewhere in-between sits the Kardashian-approved vagina laser known as ThermiVa.

Intrigued? YES.

In a recent episode of Kocktails with Khloé, Koko revealed her sisters are obsessed with the non-invasive treatment.

“My sisters, they’ve had kids, and there’s a vagina lasering thing to tighten. So in my household, all they do is talk about this vagina laser,” she said.

Patients who are interested in ThermiVa should also learn more about the O-Shot. Click here.

  1. Combo Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® – Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® – (LVR®-DLV®) Photos
  2. Combo Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® – Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® with Improvement of Hemorrhoids– (LVR®-DLV®-IH) Photos
  3. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® 1 – (DLV®1) Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora with Excision of Excess Prepuce (Also Known as Clitoral Unhooding) Photos
  4. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® 2 – (DLV®2) Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora without Excision of Excess Prepuce (without Clitoral Unhooding) Photos
  5. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® Standing (DLV® –S) Labiaplasty of Labia Minora Standing (with or without Excision of Excess Prepuce Photos
  6. ThermiVa® (Non-Invasive Vaginal Rejuvenation) Photos
  7. Vampire Wing Lift® (Labia Majora Augmentation with Autologous Fat Injection, Filler and/or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Photos
  8. Botched Surgeries (Revision Labiaplasties and Revision Vaginal Rejuvenation) Photos
  9. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation®-1 (LVR®1) Laser Posterior Colporrhaphy and Perineoplasty (LPP) Photos
  10. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 1A (LVR®1A) Laser Posterior Colporrhaphy and Perineoplasty and Improvement of Hemorrhoids (LPP-IH) Photos
  11. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 2 (LVR®2) Laser Anterior & Posterior Colporrhaphy and Perineoplasty (LAPP) Photos
  12. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 2A (LVR®2A) Laser Anterior & Posterior Colporrhaphy and Perineoplasty and Improvement of Hemorrhoids (LAPP-IH) Photos
  13. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 3 (LVR®3) Laser Perineoplasty or Perineoplasty (LP) Photos
  14. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 3A (LVR®3A) Laser Perineoplasty or Perineoplasty Improvement of Hemorrhoids (LP –IH) Photos
  15. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® 3 (DLV®3) – Labia Majora Reduction Photos
  16. Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® 4 (DLV®4) – Mons Pubic Lift – Reduction Photos
  17. Mons Pubic Reduction – CoolSculpting Photos
  18. Ultimate Mommy Makeover® Photos