Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy New York
by Robert Jason, MD, FACOG, ISCG, ACCMA
I have been a board-certified gynecologist for 31 years who has always practiced gynecology with an emphasis on preventive medicine. I am always keeping current with the latest technologies. I have been a cosmetic physician for 18 years, a cosmetic gynecologist for 14 years, and am also practicing regenerative medicine with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) which rejuvenates the vagina, penis, face, breast, and hair regrowth.
I believe in leading a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise. I believe in quality supplementation with multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. When one reaches midlife, adding bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) lowers one’s risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. It boosts metabolism, lean body mass, immunity, memory, energy, strength, flexibility, skin tone, and libido, and improves sexual performance. It enhances the quality of life by decreasing the diseases of aging. As quoted, it adds “LIFE TO YEARS AS WELL AS YEARS TO LIFE.”
I became totally convinced about adding BHRT to my practice when I saw that my surgical patients in their 50s and 60s who were taking BHRT healed like patients who were decades younger. I found myself asking – why would patients in their 60 even want vaginal tightening or labiaplasty procedures? These patients, whose high libido from BHRT amazes me, are having the surgeries and PRP to improve sexual gratification and sexual wellness. They have a much greater sense of well-being. Read Testimonials
For these reasons, I have incorporated BHRT, advanced technologies like Laser and Radiofrequency and now PRP into my practice for preventive medicine and wellness, for both men and women. I want all my patients to feel better and look better. It is very rewarding to teach my patients how to restore their sense of well-being and youth even into their 80s and 90s. And remember after physical, mental, and emotional health, we all desire sexual wellness!
– Anonymous
Forever Health Areas of Specialization
BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Female Hormones
- Male Hormones
Please read below the benefits of particular hormones
Integrative Medicine
- Regenerative Medicine
- Aesthetics
Other Areas of Specialization
- Cosmetic Gynecology
- Gynecology
- Preventive Medicine with the use of Natural or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Men and Women based upon Dr. Neal Rouzier’s Program of the Preventive Medicine Clinics of the Desert
- Injections of Platelet Rich Plasma for O-Shot® (Orgasm shot)
- P-Shot® (Priapus Shot)
- Vampire Facelift®
- Vampire Facial®
- Vampire Hair Regrowth®
- Vampire Breast Lift®
Accreditations & Certifications
- American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
- American Academy of Cellular Medicine
- Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America
Please read below the benefits of particular hormones
DHEA is an important adrenal hormone that protects our blood vessels, immune system, and bones. It is also a precursor to making all of your other hormones.
Natural Thyroid Hormone helps improve metabolism and symptoms like fatigue, energy levels, cold intolerance, and thinning hair.
Testosterone protects against the deterioration of muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons. It is also important to maintain muscle, which maintains metabolism and facilitates weight loss. It is also important to maintain skin thickness and prevent osteoporosis. It helps improve sexual performance and libido.
Melatonin is an antioxidant hormone to help improve your sleep. By improving your sleep, so do your immunity, energy, and fatigue levels.
Estrogen is important to protect against heart attack, strokes, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and urogenital atrophy. The natural estrogen prescribed is derived from soy and is different than the synthetic estrogen that has been associated with a multitude of problems. New research demonstrates that there are no increased clotting tendencies for both oral and transdermal estradiol and it is safe to take even if women have a congenital clotting disorder.
Progesterone balances or opposes estrogen. It also protects against uterine cancer, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. The natural progesterone prescribed is derived from yams and is different than the synthetic Provera(R) that has been associated with cancer.
Natural Hormonal Therapy is a great start to preventing disease and optimizing health.
I encourage you to read Dr. Neal Rouzier’s book “How to Achieve Healthy Aging – Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones, a Review of Medical Literature”.
I live by Dr. Rouzier’s program and invite you to do the same!!
The cost of your Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy in New York will depend on the amount of work required and other factors. During your consultation. Dr. Jason will answer any question you have regarding price.
Schedule a Consultation
Contact The Center for Sexual medicine today to schedule a consultation for your Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy in New York today. Dr. Jason is a world-renowned cosmetic gynecologist who strives to offer the best care and results available.
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*The recommendations, procedures, and opinions on this website are sole of Dr. Jason or Dr. Rouzier and are not meant to replace the services of a trained health professional. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. If you have preexisting conditions, your should consult with a doctor before practicing any of the procedures on this site. Neither Dr. Jason, Dr. Rouzier, nor the publishers will be held liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information on this site.