Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® 2A (LVR®2A) Laser Anterior & Posterior Colporrhaphy and Perineoplasty and Improvement of Hemorrhoids (LAPP-IH) Photos - Case #2201


36 year old Caucasian Female from New Jersery, complained of loose vagina wants it tighter and have her Urinary Stress Incontinence (USI) fixed without vaginal mesh with LVR®2A as part of Combo LVR®2A-DLV®-IH -USI, look at her left mole at 2 o’clock, moved to 6 o’clock in the post-op picture.

Combo Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® – Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® with Improvement of Hemorrhoids– (LVR®-DLV®-IH)
Combo Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® – Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® with Improvement of Hemorrhoids– (LVR®-DLV®-IH)